Koss Porta Pro KTC是Porta Pro最复杂的版本,采用了新的技术升级,让听众更接近他们喜爱的音乐。Koss Touch Control(KTC)遥控器和麦克风技术专为iPhone®、iPad®和iPod®设计,让听众以更少的步骤获得更多的控制。听众现在可以保持联系,洗牌歌曲和调整音量轻触开关。Koss Porta Pro KTC具有标准设置的声音性能,最初的Porta Pro成立超过25年。轻量化的Koss Porta Pro KTC专为那些有着精致音乐品味的人而设计,它不牺牲实用功能来获得出色的音质。由聚脂薄膜制成,元件非常坚硬,最大限度地减少了机械变形,确保了极其精确的声音再现。Koss Porta Pro KTC采用动态元素,提供异常丰富的低音、更强的控制力和极宽的频率响应,捕捉您喜爱的电影或音乐表演中的每一个细微差别。
与Koss Porta Pro和SportaPro一样,轻巧的Koss Recovery-on-ear耳机为随时随地的听众提供出色的音质。Koss Recovery头戴式耳机采用头顶式设计和现代风格,外观和音质一样出色。\恢复耳机配有动态元件,可扩展频率响应,折叠平直,便于储存和携带,是享受随行生活方式和频繁旅行的积极听众的理想选择。
Koss Sporta Pro是一款完美的耳机,适用于需要从客厅到会议室再到更衣室的活跃听众,而不会错过一个节拍。将Koss Porta Pro的声音再现与允许戴在头上或头后的独特设计相结合,Sporta Pro赢得了’t干扰帽子或发型â€\的顶级便携式耳机。\Koss Sporta Pros采用聚脂薄膜元件,确保精确的声音再现和最小的机械失真,是一款轻巧的耳机,它还具有计算机优化的稀土磁铁结构(钕、铁和硼),无论您在â€\下收听什么音量,即使是低电压DVD,也能提供不寻常的声音清晰度还有MP3播放器。\Sporta Pro’s舒适的耳垫让您与周围环境保持联系。只要两盎司,Sporta专业人士即使在听了几个小时的高保真聆听之后,也会感觉自己几乎没有重量。把它们折叠成一个紧凑的保护包,然后在回办公室的路上塞进你的公文包、健身包或背包里。
Capture every note and listen loudly without worry of disturbing others nearby with the Koss TD85 full size noise isolating headphones. These full size headphones so efficiently isolate the listener and prevent sound leakage, they’re ideal for public listening. Built to deliver ultimate durability, listeners will love the surprising lightweight comfort of the TD85 Koss headphones. Steel yokes reinforce the overall construction, while an extra-wide steel headband provides increased strength. The simple, streamlined construction minimizes breakage. But “sturdy†wouldn’t mean a thing without sound intensity to back it up. The TD85s feature dynamic elements for a rich frequency response, from 20-17,000 Hz. And you can count on a cleaner, clearer sound due to oxygen-free copper voice coils that also improve signal transmission and conduction. To top things off, the full size TD85 headphones do as much in terms of noise reduction as they do to prevent sound leakage, keeping you (and everyone around you) fully engaged in the matter at hand.