Eaton 伊顿
伊顿(Eaton)是一家智能电力管理公司,致力于改善世界各地用户的生活质量并保护环境.作为一家拥有 96,000 多名员工的动力管理公司,我们在超过 175 个国家和地区开展业务。我们高能效的产品和服务可以更可靠、更高效、更安全、更可持续地帮助客户有效管理电气、液压和机械动力。通过为人们提供工具,以更高效地使用动力。帮助公司更持久地开展业务。通过鼓励伊顿的每位员工,对我们的业务、我们的社区,以及我们可对世界产生的积极影响,提出卓越的意见和建议。我们的业务我们通过行业领先的电气、宇航、液压和车辆产品及服务帮助客户解决他们最大的动力管理挑战。我们致力于制造卓越的产品和提供创新的产品,帮助客户取得更大的成功。我们丰富的产品组合广泛用于全球的各个行业,在保护人员和资产的同时提高了生产力和效率电气我们帮助客户提高效率和增加正常运行时间、满足监管要求以及保护人力和设备,从而满足全球日益增长的用电需求。我们的电气产品可帮助公用事业部门发电、送电和配电。在配电之后,无论在建筑、工业设施、数据中心还是家庭中,我们帮助人们高效及安全地用电。我们提供各种解决方案,从断路器到开关设备,再到机械控制装置。我们提供种类齐全的备用电源和浪涌防护装置,它们最大程度延长设备的正常运行时间,同时防范电涌或停电。在危险的环境中,我们通过防爆机柜、信号设备、通知和监测系统帮助保护人力和财产。我们的综合性端到端电气解决方案组合还具有配套的全方位工程和支持服务。我们的客户遍布多个市场,其中包括:住宅、商业和机构建筑、工业设施、公用事业、数据中心、油气、采矿和机械业原始设备制造商(OEM)。航空我们提供在市场中领先的液压、运动控制、机身燃油、机身气动和发动机解决方案。我们的宇航产品帮助控制空中导航和推进系统以及燃料的管理和分配。我们的液压、燃料、运动控制和发动机解决方案助力数以百计的军用和商用飞机平台。从“好奇”号火星探测车到如今最先进的商用飞机和私人飞机,各类航空器在我们产品的帮助下得以妥善运行、改善运行性能和符合法规要求。我们与客户合作开发安全、可靠和高效的飞机解决方案,并着重降低生命周期成本、增强系统集成度、优化系统控制方案和减轻重量。车辆商用车和乘用车的主机厂依靠我们的解决方案从总体上提高车辆的效率、可靠性、安全性和操控性。我们的车辆产品包括排放控制零部件、发动机气门、气门驱动机构、增压器、变速器、离合器以及牵引力控制产品和系统。eMobility随着消费者对电动汽车的青睐,以及大型汽车制造商将电动汽车纳入其运输产品系列,在未来 10 到 20 年内,伊顿和该行业都将有实力在电动汽车平台获得强劲增长机遇。eMobility 是我们所拥有的行业知识和电气专业知识的完美结合。eMobility 业务部门成立于 2018 年初,结合我们的电气和车辆业务,为客车、商用车辆和越野车原始设备制造商提供电动汽车解决方案。eMobility 专注于汽车和商用车辆客户的三个主要领域:智能电力电子设备、动力系统以及先进的配电和电路保护。虽然对于伊顿来说,eMobility 可能是一项新业务,但我们在管理电力和开发商用车混合动力系统方面拥有数十年的经验。凭借在汽车制造商公认为至关重要的电动汽车市场具备的出色竞争力,我们在解决复杂电气挑战方面具有独特的优势。在这个快速发展的市场中,我们目前可以看到该业务潜在的收入机遇到 2030 年将达到 200 万美元到 400 万美元之间。
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    产品类别 :Level Sensors
    Meter Technology Type:Mechanical or Magnetic Floats
    Manufacturer:Eaton Electrical
    Manufacturer Part Number:10038H25A
    Media Type:Liquid
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    工作温度 :-13 to 131 F (-25 to 55 C)
    产品类别 :Fiber Optic Proximity Sensors
    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Threaded Barrel;Other
    Diameter:0.7087 inch (18 mm)
    Electrical Connection:Connector
    Fiber Optic:Glass (optional feature); Plastic
    Height:0.7087 inch (18 mm)
    Length:2.6 inch (66 mm)
    Mode:Light-on; Dark-on; Light/Dark Programmable
    Operating Distance:? to 240 inch (? to 6096 mm)
    Output Load:AC Load; DC Load
    Technology:Through Beam
    Width:0.4685 inch (11.9 mm)
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    工作温度 :-13 to 131 F (-25 to 55 C)
    产品类别 :Fiber Optic Proximity Sensors
    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Threaded Barrel;Other
    Diameter:0.7087 inch (18 mm)
    Electrical Connection:Connector
    Fiber Optic:Glass (optional feature); Plastic
    Height:0.7087 inch (18 mm)
    Length:2.6 inch (66 mm)
    Mode:Light-on; Dark-on; Light/Dark Programmable
    Operating Distance:? to 240 inch (? to 6096 mm)
    Output Load:DC Load
    Technology:Through Beam
    Width:0.4685 inch (11.9 mm)
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    工作温度 :-13 to 131 F (-25 to 55 C)
    产品类别 :Fiber Optic Proximity Sensors
    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Threaded Barrel;Other
    Diameter:0.7087 inch (18 mm)
    Electrical Connection:Fixed Cable
    Fiber Optic:Glass (optional feature); Plastic
    Height:0.7087 inch (18 mm)
    Length:2.6 inch (66 mm)
    Mode:Light-on; Dark-on; Light/Dark Programmable
    Operating Distance:? to 240 inch (? to 6096 mm)
    Output Load:AC Load; DC Load
    Technology:Through Beam
    Width:0.4685 inch (11.9 mm)
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    工作温度 :-13 to 131 F (-25 to 55 C)
    产品类别 :Fiber Optic Proximity Sensors
    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Threaded Barrel;Other
    Diameter:0.7087 inch (18 mm)
    Electrical Connection:Fixed Cable
    Fiber Optic:Glass (optional feature); Plastic
    Height:0.7087 inch (18 mm)
    Length:2.6 inch (66 mm)
    Mode:Light-on; Dark-on; Light/Dark Programmable
    Operating Distance:? to 240 inch (? to 6096 mm)
    Output Load:DC Load
    Technology:Through Beam
    Width:0.4685 inch (11.9 mm)
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    工作温度 :-13 to 131 F (-25 to 55 C)
    产品类别 :Fiber Optic Proximity Sensors
    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Threaded Barrel;Other
    Diameter:0.7087 inch (18 mm)
    Electrical Connection:Connector
    Fiber Optic:Glass (optional feature); Plastic
    Height:0.7087 inch (18 mm)
    Length:2.6 inch (66 mm)
    Mode:Light-on; Dark-on; Light/Dark Programmable
    Operating Distance:? to 240 inch (? to 6096 mm)
    Output Load:AC Load; DC Load
    Technology:Through Beam
    Width:0.4685 inch (11.9 mm)
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    工作温度 :-13 to 131 F (-25 to 55 C)
    产品类别 :Fiber Optic Proximity Sensors
    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Threaded Barrel;Other
    Diameter:0.7087 inch (18 mm)
    Electrical Connection:Connector
    Fiber Optic:Glass (optional feature); Plastic
    Height:0.7087 inch (18 mm)
    Length:2.6 inch (66 mm)
    Mode:Light-on; Dark-on; Light/Dark Programmable
    Operating Distance:? to 240 inch (? to 6096 mm)
    Output Load:DC Load
    Technology:Through Beam
    Width:0.4685 inch (11.9 mm)
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    工作温度 :-13 to 131 F (-25 to 55 C)
    产品类别 :Fiber Optic Proximity Sensors
    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Threaded Barrel;Other
    Diameter:0.7087 inch (18 mm)
    Electrical Connection:Fixed Cable
    Fiber Optic:Glass (optional feature); Plastic
    Height:0.7087 inch (18 mm)
    Length:2.6 inch (66 mm)
    Mode:Light-on; Dark-on; Light/Dark Programmable
    Operating Distance:? to 240 inch (? to 6096 mm)
    Output Load:AC Load; DC Load
    Technology:Through Beam
    Width:0.4685 inch (11.9 mm)
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    工作温度 :-13 to 131 F (-25 to 55 C)
    产品类别 :Fiber Optic Proximity Sensors
    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Threaded Barrel;Other
    Diameter:0.7087 inch (18 mm)
    Electrical Connection:Fixed Cable
    Fiber Optic:Glass (optional feature); Plastic
    Height:0.7087 inch (18 mm)
    Length:2.6 inch (66 mm)
    Mode:Light-on; Dark-on; Light/Dark Programmable
    Operating Distance:? to 240 inch (? to 6096 mm)
    Output Load:DC Load
    Technology:Through Beam
    Width:0.4685 inch (11.9 mm)
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    工作温度 :-13 to 131 F (-25 to 55 C)
    产品类别 :Fiber Optic Proximity Sensors
    Beam Type:Infrared
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:Connector
    Fiber Optic:Glass (optional feature); Plastic (optional feature)
    Height:2.87 inch (73 mm)
    Length:1.91 inch (48.5 mm)
    Mode:Light-on (optional feature); Dark-on (optional feature); Light/Dark Programmable
    Operating Distance:1.2 to 2400 inch (30.48 to 60960 mm)
    Technology:Through Beam
    Width:1.81 inch (46 mm)
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    工作温度 :-13 to 131 F (-25 to 55 C)
    产品类别 :Fiber Optic Proximity Sensors
    Beam Type:Infrared
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:Connector
    Fiber Optic:Glass (optional feature); Plastic (optional feature)
    Height:2.87 inch (73 mm)
    Length:1.91 inch (48.5 mm)
    Mode:Light-on (optional feature); Dark-on (optional feature); Light/Dark Programmable
    Operating Distance:1.2 to 2400 inch (30.48 to 60960 mm)
    Technology:Through Beam
    Width:1.81 inch (46 mm)
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    工作温度 :-13 to 131 F (-25 to 55 C)
    产品类别 :Fiber Optic Proximity Sensors
    Beam Type:Infrared
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:Fixed Cable
    Fiber Optic:Glass (optional feature); Plastic (optional feature)
    Height:2.87 inch (73 mm)
    Length:1.91 inch (48.5 mm)
    Mode:Light-on (optional feature); Dark-on (optional feature); Light/Dark Programmable
    Operating Distance:1.2 to 2400 inch (30.48 to 60960 mm)
    Technology:Through Beam
    Width:1.81 inch (46 mm)
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    工作温度 :-13 to 131 F (-25 to 55 C)
    产品类别 :Fiber Optic Proximity Sensors
    Beam Type:Infrared
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:Fixed Cable
    Fiber Optic:Glass (optional feature); Plastic (optional feature)
    Height:2.87 inch (73 mm)
    Length:1.91 inch (48.5 mm)
    Mode:Light-on (optional feature); Dark-on (optional feature); Light/Dark Programmable
    Operating Distance:1.2 to 2400 inch (30.48 to 60960 mm)
    Technology:Through Beam
    Width:1.81 inch (46 mm)
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    工作温度 :-13 to 131 F (-25 to 55 C)
    产品类别 :Fiber Optic Proximity Sensors
    Beam Type:Infrared
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:Connector
    Fiber Optic:Glass (optional feature); Plastic (optional feature)
    Height:2.87 inch (73 mm)
    Length:1.91 inch (48.5 mm)
    Mode:Light-on (optional feature); Dark-on (optional feature); Light/Dark Programmable
    Operating Distance:1.2 to 2400 inch (30.48 to 60960 mm)
    Technology:Through Beam
    Width:1.81 inch (46 mm)
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    工作温度 :-13 to 131 F (-25 to 55 C)
    产品类别 :Fiber Optic Proximity Sensors
    Beam Type:Infrared
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:Connector
    Fiber Optic:Glass (optional feature); Plastic (optional feature)
    Height:2.87 inch (73 mm)
    Length:1.91 inch (48.5 mm)
    Mode:Light-on (optional feature); Dark-on (optional feature); Light/Dark Programmable
    Operating Distance:1.2 to 2400 inch (30.48 to 60960 mm)
    Technology:Through Beam
    Width:1.81 inch (46 mm)
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    工作温度 :-13 to 131 F (-25 to 55 C)
    产品类别 :Fiber Optic Proximity Sensors
    Beam Type:Infrared
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:Connector
    Fiber Optic:Glass (optional feature); Plastic (optional feature)
    Height:2.87 inch (73 mm)
    Length:1.91 inch (48.5 mm)
    Mode:Light-on (optional feature); Dark-on (optional feature); Light/Dark Programmable
    Operating Distance:1.2 to 2400 inch (30.48 to 60960 mm)
    Technology:Through Beam
    Width:1.81 inch (46 mm)
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    工作温度 :-13 to 131 F (-25 to 55 C)
    产品类别 :Fiber Optic Proximity Sensors
    Beam Type:Infrared
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:Connector
    Fiber Optic:Glass (optional feature); Plastic (optional feature)
    Height:2.87 inch (73 mm)
    Length:1.91 inch (48.5 mm)
    Mode:Light-on (optional feature); Dark-on (optional feature); Light/Dark Programmable
    Operating Distance:1.2 to 2400 inch (30.48 to 60960 mm)
    Technology:Through Beam
    Width:1.81 inch (46 mm)
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    工作温度 :-13 to 131 F (-25 to 55 C)
    产品类别 :Fiber Optic Proximity Sensors
    Beam Type:Infrared
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:Connector
    Fiber Optic:Glass (optional feature); Plastic (optional feature)
    Height:2.87 inch (73 mm)
    Length:1.91 inch (48.5 mm)
    Mode:Light-on (optional feature); Dark-on (optional feature); Light/Dark Programmable
    Operating Distance:1.2 to 6000 inch (30.48 to 152400 mm)
    Technology:Through Beam
    Width:1.81 inch (46 mm)
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    工作温度 :-13 to 131 F (-25 to 55 C)
    产品类别 :Fiber Optic Proximity Sensors
    Beam Type:Infrared
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:Connector
    Fiber Optic:Glass (optional feature); Plastic (optional feature)
    Height:2.87 inch (73 mm)
    Length:1.91 inch (48.5 mm)
    Mode:Light-on (optional feature); Dark-on (optional feature); Light/Dark Programmable
    Operating Distance:1.2 to 6000 inch (30.48 to 152400 mm)
    Technology:Through Beam
    Width:1.81 inch (46 mm)
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    工作温度 :-13 to 131 F (-25 to 55 C)
    产品类别 :Fiber Optic Proximity Sensors
    Beam Type:Infrared
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:Fixed Cable
    Fiber Optic:Glass (optional feature); Plastic (optional feature)
    Height:2.87 inch (73 mm)
    Length:1.91 inch (48.5 mm)
    Mode:Light-on (optional feature); Dark-on (optional feature); Light/Dark Programmable
    Operating Distance:1.2 to 6000 inch (30.48 to 152400 mm)
    Technology:Through Beam
    Width:1.81 inch (46 mm)
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    工作温度 :-13 to 131 F (-25 to 55 C)
    产品类别 :Fiber Optic Proximity Sensors
    Beam Type:Infrared
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:Fixed Cable
    Fiber Optic:Glass (optional feature); Plastic (optional feature)
    Height:2.87 inch (73 mm)
    Length:1.91 inch (48.5 mm)
    Mode:Light-on (optional feature); Dark-on (optional feature); Light/Dark Programmable
    Operating Distance:1.2 to 6000 inch (30.48 to 152400 mm)
    Technology:Through Beam
    Width:1.81 inch (46 mm)
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    工作温度 :-13 to 131 F (-25 to 55 C)
    产品类别 :Fiber Optic Proximity Sensors
    Beam Type:Infrared
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:Connector
    Fiber Optic:Glass (optional feature); Plastic (optional feature)
    Height:2.87 inch (73 mm)
    Length:1.91 inch (48.5 mm)
    Mode:Light-on (optional feature); Dark-on (optional feature); Light/Dark Programmable
    Operating Distance:1.2 to 6000 inch (30.48 to 152400 mm)
    Technology:Through Beam
    Width:1.81 inch (46 mm)
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    工作温度 :-13 to 131 F (-25 to 55 C)
    产品类别 :Fiber Optic Proximity Sensors
    Beam Type:Infrared
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:Connector
    Fiber Optic:Glass (optional feature); Plastic (optional feature)
    Height:2.87 inch (73 mm)
    Length:1.91 inch (48.5 mm)
    Mode:Light-on (optional feature); Dark-on (optional feature); Light/Dark Programmable
    Operating Distance:1.2 to 6000 inch (30.48 to 152400 mm)
    Technology:Through Beam
    Width:1.81 inch (46 mm)
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    工作温度 :-13 to 131 F (-25 to 55 C)
    产品类别 :Fiber Optic Proximity Sensors
    Beam Type:Infrared
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:Connector
    Fiber Optic:Glass (optional feature); Plastic (optional feature)
    Height:2.87 inch (73 mm)
    Length:1.91 inch (48.5 mm)
    Mode:Light-on (optional feature); Dark-on (optional feature); Light/Dark Programmable
    Operating Distance:1.2 to 6000 inch (30.48 to 152400 mm)
    Technology:Through Beam
    Width:1.81 inch (46 mm)
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    工作温度 :-13 to 131 F (-25 to 55 C)
    产品类别 :Fiber Optic Proximity Sensors
    Beam Type:Infrared
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:Connector
    Fiber Optic:Glass (optional feature); Plastic (optional feature)
    Height:2.87 inch (73 mm)
    Length:1.91 inch (48.5 mm)
    Mode:Light-on (optional feature); Dark-on (optional feature); Light/Dark Programmable
    Operating Distance:1.2 to 6000 inch (30.48 to 152400 mm)
    Technology:Through Beam
    Width:1.81 inch (46 mm)
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