精准 模糊
  • Honeywell USA SC5NB1A102 直线位移传感器

    线性度:2 ±% Full Scale
    工作温度 :-85 to 257 F (-65 to 125 C)
    产品类别 :Linear Position Sensors
    线性度:2 ±% Full Scale
    工作温度 :-85 to 257 F (-65 to 125 C)
    产品类别 :Linear Position Sensors
  • Honeywell USA SC1CC1A103 直线位移传感器

    线性度:2 ±% Full Scale
    工作温度 :-85 to 257 F (-65 to 125 C)
    产品类别 :Linear Position Sensors
    线性度:2 ±% Full Scale
    工作温度 :-85 to 257 F (-65 to 125 C)
    产品类别 :Linear Position Sensors
  • Honeywell USA SC2NE1A103 直线位移传感器

    线性度:2 ±% Full Scale
    工作温度 :-85 to 257 F (-65 to 125 C)
    产品类别 :Linear Position Sensors
    线性度:2 ±% Full Scale
    工作温度 :-85 to 257 F (-65 to 125 C)
    产品类别 :Linear Position Sensors
  • Honeywell USA SC1CB1A502 直线位移传感器

    线性度:2 ±% Full Scale
    工作温度 :-85 to 257 F (-65 to 125 C)
    产品类别 :Linear Position Sensors
    线性度:2 ±% Full Scale
    工作温度 :-85 to 257 F (-65 to 125 C)
    产品类别 :Linear Position Sensors
  • Control Products, Inc. AD064 热敏开关和热保护器

    特征:Hermetically Sealed
    高温设定点:0 to 350 F (-18 to 177 C)
    迟滞 / 差异:10 to 25 DegF (5.56 to 13.89 DegC)
    最大交流电压:220 volts
    最大电流:5 amps
    最大直流电压:28 volts
    最大高度或长度:6.12 inch (155 mm)
    极数:Single Pole, SP
    重复性/公差:7 +/-F (3.89 +/-C)
    开关形式:Normally Open, NO (optional feature); Normally Closed, NC (optional feature); Open on Temperature Rise (optional feature); Close on Temperature Rise (optional feature)
    掷数:Single Throw, ST (optional feature); Double Throw, DT
    产品类别:Thermal Switches and Thermal Protectors
    特征:Hermetically Sealed
    高温设定点:0 to 350 F (-18 to 177 C)
    迟滞 / 差异:10 to 25 DegF (5.56 to 13.89 DegC)
    最大交流电压:220 volts
    最大电流:5 amps
    最大直流电压:28 volts
    最大高度或长度:6.12 inch (155 mm)
    极数:Single Pole, SP
    重复性/公差:7 +/-F (3.89 +/-C)
    开关形式:Normally Open, NO (optional feature); Normally Closed, NC (optional feature); Open on Temperature Rise (optional feature); Close on Temperature Rise (optional feature)
    掷数:Single Throw, ST (optional feature); Double Throw, DT
    产品类别:Thermal Switches and Thermal Protectors
  • Control Products, Inc. AD097 热敏开关和热保护器

    特征:Hermetically Sealed
    高温设定点:0 to 350 F (-18 to 177 C)
    迟滞 / 差异:10 to 25 DegF (5.56 to 13.89 DegC)
    最大交流电压:220 volts
    最大电流:5 amps
    最大直流电压:28 volts
    最大高度或长度:2.56 inch (64.9 mm)
    极数:Single Pole, SP
    重复性/公差:7 +/-F (3.89 +/-C)
    开关形式:Normally Open, NO (optional feature); Normally Closed, NC (optional feature); Open on Temperature Rise (optional feature); Close on Temperature Rise (optional feature)
    掷数:Single Throw, ST (optional feature); Double Throw, DT
    产品类别:Thermal Switches and Thermal Protectors
    特征:Hermetically Sealed
    高温设定点:0 to 350 F (-18 to 177 C)
    迟滞 / 差异:10 to 25 DegF (5.56 to 13.89 DegC)
    最大交流电压:220 volts
    最大电流:5 amps
    最大直流电压:28 volts
    最大高度或长度:2.56 inch (64.9 mm)
    极数:Single Pole, SP
    重复性/公差:7 +/-F (3.89 +/-C)
    开关形式:Normally Open, NO (optional feature); Normally Closed, NC (optional feature); Open on Temperature Rise (optional feature); Close on Temperature Rise (optional feature)
    掷数:Single Throw, ST (optional feature); Double Throw, DT
    产品类别:Thermal Switches and Thermal Protectors
  • u-blox 优北罗 ZED-F9K 高精度GNSS

    针对汽车大众市场,实现分米级定位精度 适用于 ADAS、V2X 和平视显示器 内置惯性传感器的多频 RTK 整体解决方案 高达 30 Hz 的低延迟定位更新速率
  • 闪感智能 LVSG36-2-A36AH 线性可变差动变压器(LVDT)

    双冗余LVDT,非接触设计,无限分辨率,应用于航空飞控系统、航空阀控系统及需要高可靠性的设计场合。 有效电气行程:0-35.5㎜,供电电压/频率:3V/3000Hz; 满量程输出电压:≥0.5V,工作温度:-55~200℃(短期230℃)
  • SENKYLASER QG100 ToF 飞行时间光学传感器

  • SENKYLASER SK-Pro 激光雷达 (LiDAR)

    申稷光电 SENKYLASER SK-Pro系列 高精度高频率100m工业级 激光测距传感器 动态高精度测量之选
  • 鼎信智慧科技 DX-DLS100-B2 振动传感器

  • Ericco 艾瑞科惯性系统 ER-2MG-02 mems gyroscope

    The ER-2MG-02 High Performance Navigation 2 axis MEMS Gyro has small volume, light weight, simple structure and good reliability. The biggest function of the 2-axis gyroscope is to “measure the angular velocity to judge the motion state of the object, so it is also called a motion sensor”. In other words, this thing can let our equipment know where we are and where we are going.
  • 菲曼科技 INS240-AHRS 惯性测量单元

  • Lumispot 亮源激光技术 FOG-98 惯性导航
