精准 模糊
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 KA15sx 秤和天平

    评级/认证 :IP66; IP67; Other; CE, OIML, Ex, FM Approved
    容量 :33.08 lbs (15 kg)
    分辨率 :2.20E-4 lbs (1.00E-4 kg)
    宽度 :11.02 inch (280 mm)
    长度 :13.78 inch (350 mm)
    材料 :Stainless Steel
    产品类型:Bench / Counter Scale; Other Scale; Stand Scale
    显示 :None
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Profibus, CL
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
    评级/认证 :IP66; IP67; Other; CE, OIML, Ex, FM Approved
    容量 :33.08 lbs (15 kg)
    分辨率 :2.20E-4 lbs (1.00E-4 kg)
    宽度 :11.02 inch (280 mm)
    长度 :13.78 inch (350 mm)
    材料 :Stainless Steel
    产品类型:Bench / Counter Scale; Other Scale; Stand Scale
    显示 :None
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Profibus, CL
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 KA32sx 秤和天平

    产品类型:Bench / Counter Scale; Other Scale; Stand Scale
    容量 :70.56 lbs (32 kg)
    分辨率 :2.20E-4 lbs (1.00E-4 kg)
    显示 :None
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Profibus, CL
    宽度 :11.02 inch (280 mm)
    长度 :13.78 inch (350 mm)
    材料 :Stainless Steel
    评级/认证 :IP66; IP67; Other; CE, OIML, Ex, FM Approved
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
    产品类型:Bench / Counter Scale; Other Scale; Stand Scale
    容量 :70.56 lbs (32 kg)
    分辨率 :2.20E-4 lbs (1.00E-4 kg)
    显示 :None
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Profibus, CL
    宽度 :11.02 inch (280 mm)
    长度 :13.78 inch (350 mm)
    材料 :Stainless Steel
    评级/认证 :IP66; IP67; Other; CE, OIML, Ex, FM Approved
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 KB60 x 秤和天平

    产品类型:Bench / Counter Scale; Other Scale; Stand Scale
    分辨率 :0.0022 lbs (1.00E-3 kg)
    长度 :19.69 inch (500 mm)
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Profibus, CL
    评级/认证 :IP66; IP67; Other; CE, OIML, Ex, FM Approved
    容量 :132 lbs (60 kg)
    宽度 :15.75 inch (400 mm)
    材料 :Stainless Steel
    显示 :None
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
    产品类型:Bench / Counter Scale; Other Scale; Stand Scale
    分辨率 :0.0022 lbs (1.00E-3 kg)
    长度 :19.69 inch (500 mm)
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Profibus, CL
    评级/认证 :IP66; IP67; Other; CE, OIML, Ex, FM Approved
    容量 :132 lbs (60 kg)
    宽度 :15.75 inch (400 mm)
    材料 :Stainless Steel
    显示 :None
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 KB60sx 秤和天平

    产品类型:Bench / Counter Scale; Other Scale; Stand Scale
    分辨率 :0.0022 lbs (1.00E-3 kg)
    宽度 :15.75 inch (400 mm)
    评级/认证 :IP66; IP67; Other; CE, OIML, Ex, FM Approved
    容量 :132 lbs (60 kg)
    长度 :19.69 inch (500 mm)
    材料 :Stainless Steel
    显示 :None
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Profibus, CL
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
    产品类型:Bench / Counter Scale; Other Scale; Stand Scale
    分辨率 :0.0022 lbs (1.00E-3 kg)
    宽度 :15.75 inch (400 mm)
    评级/认证 :IP66; IP67; Other; CE, OIML, Ex, FM Approved
    容量 :132 lbs (60 kg)
    长度 :19.69 inch (500 mm)
    材料 :Stainless Steel
    显示 :None
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Profibus, CL
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 KCC150sx 秤和天平

    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Profibus, CL
    评级/认证 :IP66; IP67; Other; CE, OIML, Ex, FM Approved
    产品类型:Bench / Counter Scale; Other Scale; Stand Scale
    容量 :331 lbs (150 kg)
    长度 :23.62 inch (600 mm)
    显示 :None
    分辨率 :0.0022 lbs (1.00E-3 kg)
    宽度 :31.5 inch (800 mm)
    材料 :Stainless Steel
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Profibus, CL
    评级/认证 :IP66; IP67; Other; CE, OIML, Ex, FM Approved
    产品类型:Bench / Counter Scale; Other Scale; Stand Scale
    容量 :331 lbs (150 kg)
    长度 :23.62 inch (600 mm)
    显示 :None
    分辨率 :0.0022 lbs (1.00E-3 kg)
    宽度 :31.5 inch (800 mm)
    材料 :Stainless Steel
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 KCC150x 秤和天平

    评级/认证 :IP66; IP67; Other; CE, OIML, Ex, FM Approved
    分辨率 :0.0022 lbs (1.00E-3 kg)
    宽度 :31.5 inch (800 mm)
    容量 :331 lbs (150 kg)
    长度 :23.62 inch (600 mm)
    材料 :Stainless Steel
    显示 :None
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Profibus, CL
    产品类型:Bench / Counter Scale; Other Scale; Stand Scale
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
    评级/认证 :IP66; IP67; Other; CE, OIML, Ex, FM Approved
    分辨率 :0.0022 lbs (1.00E-3 kg)
    宽度 :31.5 inch (800 mm)
    容量 :331 lbs (150 kg)
    长度 :23.62 inch (600 mm)
    材料 :Stainless Steel
    显示 :None
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Profibus, CL
    产品类型:Bench / Counter Scale; Other Scale; Stand Scale
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 KCC300sx 秤和天平

    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Profibus, CL
    产品类型:Bench / Counter Scale; Other Scale; Stand Scale
    长度 :23.62 inch (600 mm)
    显示 :None
    容量 :662 lbs (300 kg)
    分辨率 :0.0044 lbs (0.0020 kg)
    宽度 :31.5 inch (800 mm)
    材料 :Stainless Steel
    评级/认证 :IP66; IP67; Other; CE, OIML, Ex, FM Approved
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Profibus, CL
    产品类型:Bench / Counter Scale; Other Scale; Stand Scale
    长度 :23.62 inch (600 mm)
    显示 :None
    容量 :662 lbs (300 kg)
    分辨率 :0.0044 lbs (0.0020 kg)
    宽度 :31.5 inch (800 mm)
    材料 :Stainless Steel
    评级/认证 :IP66; IP67; Other; CE, OIML, Ex, FM Approved
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 KCC300x 秤和天平

    容量 :662 lbs (300 kg)
    宽度 :31.5 inch (800 mm)
    长度 :23.62 inch (600 mm)
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Profibus, CL
    产品类型:Bench / Counter Scale; Other Scale; Stand Scale
    材料 :Stainless Steel
    显示 :None
    评级/认证 :IP66; IP67; Other; CE, OIML, Ex, FM Approved
    分辨率 :0.0044 lbs (0.0020 kg)
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
    容量 :662 lbs (300 kg)
    宽度 :31.5 inch (800 mm)
    长度 :23.62 inch (600 mm)
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Profibus, CL
    产品类型:Bench / Counter Scale; Other Scale; Stand Scale
    材料 :Stainless Steel
    显示 :None
    评级/认证 :IP66; IP67; Other; CE, OIML, Ex, FM Approved
    分辨率 :0.0044 lbs (0.0020 kg)
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 Kx-T4 Line Floor Scales 秤和天平

    产品类型:Floor Scale
    容量 :1323 to 13230 lbs (600 to 6000 kg)
    材料 :Stainless Steel
    长度 :49.21 to 78.74 inch (1250 to 2000 mm)
    显示 :None
    评级/认证 :IP67; Other; FM
    宽度 :39.37 to 59.06 inch (1000 to 1500 mm)
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
    产品类型:Floor Scale
    容量 :1323 to 13230 lbs (600 to 6000 kg)
    材料 :Stainless Steel
    长度 :49.21 to 78.74 inch (1250 to 2000 mm)
    显示 :None
    评级/认证 :IP67; Other; FM
    宽度 :39.37 to 59.06 inch (1000 to 1500 mm)
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Van London (VLC) / AlpHa 伟伦 pHastTrac® 2000 Electrode 氧化还原电位(ORP)电极

    工作压力:50 to 100 psi (35.19 to 70.38 m H2O)
    特征 :Measures pH
    工作温度 :32 to 194 F (0.0 to 90 C)
    产品类别 :Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) Electrodes
    工作压力:50 to 100 psi (35.19 to 70.38 m H2O)
    特征 :Measures pH
    工作温度 :32 to 194 F (0.0 to 90 C)
    产品类别 :Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) Electrodes
  • Hamilton 哈美顿 242700 pH电极

    特征 :Temperature Sensor
    外观及安装选项:Hand Held or Portable
    工作压力范围:0.0 to 87.02 psi (0.0 to 61.24 m H2O)
    工作温度 :32 to 266 F (0.0 to 130 C)
    pH 值范围:0.0 to 14 ph
    直径/宽度:0.4724 inch (12 mm)
    长度 :4.72 inch (120 mm)
    产品类别 :pH Electrodes
    特征 :Temperature Sensor
    外观及安装选项:Hand Held or Portable
    工作压力范围:0.0 to 87.02 psi (0.0 to 61.24 m H2O)
    工作温度 :32 to 266 F (0.0 to 130 C)
    pH 值范围:0.0 to 14 ph
    直径/宽度:0.4724 inch (12 mm)
    长度 :4.72 inch (120 mm)
    产品类别 :pH Electrodes
  • Restek 瑞斯泰克 Rt®-ßDEXcst Columns 气相色谱柱

    柱长:30 m (98.43 ft)
    结构材料:Silicate Glass; Other; Fused Silica
    膜厚 :0.2500 µm (0.0098 mils)
    内径(ID):250 to 320 µm (9.84 to 12.6 mils)
    工作温度 :104 to 446 F (40 to 230 C)
    产品类别 :GC Columns
    柱长:30 m (98.43 ft)
    结构材料:Silicate Glass; Other; Fused Silica
    膜厚 :0.2500 µm (0.0098 mils)
    内径(ID):250 to 320 µm (9.84 to 12.6 mils)
    工作温度 :104 to 446 F (40 to 230 C)
    产品类别 :GC Columns
  • 大连艾科 JJB10(A)便携式激光甲烷报警仪 激光气体传感器

    高稳定性; 本质安全型设计; 超低功耗; 反应速度快; 对甲烷具有唯一选择性,不受其它气体、水汽、粉尘的干扰。
  • 振能科技 ZN2000Y 超声波换能器

    振能科技 ZN2000Y 超声波换能器
  • 昆仑中大 KZW/P-422W 温度传感器系列

  • 北京盛元广通 盛元广通医药行业实验室设备管理系统 实验室管理
