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  • Stellar Technology (STI) Series LLC65X 线性可变差动变压器(LVDT)

    线性度:0.5000 ±% Full Scale
    工作温度:14 to 158 F (-10 to 70 C)
    LVDT 类型:Current Balance DC-DC
    测量范围:0.5000 to 18.5 inch (12.7 to 470 mm)
    产品类别:Linear Variable Differential Transformers (LVDT)
    线性度:0.5000 ±% Full Scale
    工作温度:14 to 158 F (-10 to 70 C)
    LVDT 类型:Current Balance DC-DC
    测量范围:0.5000 to 18.5 inch (12.7 to 470 mm)
    产品类别:Linear Variable Differential Transformers (LVDT)
  • Stellar Technology, Inc. Series LLS65X 线性可变差动变压器(LVDT)

    工作温度:14 to 158 F (-10 to 70 C)
    LVDT 类型:Current Balance DC-DC
    测量范围:0.5000 to 3 inch (12.7 to 76.2 mm)
    线性度:0.5000 ±% Full Scale
    产品类别:Linear Variable Differential Transformers (LVDT)
    工作温度:14 to 158 F (-10 to 70 C)
    LVDT 类型:Current Balance DC-DC
    测量范围:0.5000 to 3 inch (12.7 to 76.2 mm)
    线性度:0.5000 ±% Full Scale
    产品类别:Linear Variable Differential Transformers (LVDT)
  • Stellar Technology, Inc. Series LLU60X 线性可变差动变压器(LVDT)

    测量范围:0.5000 to 8 inch (12.7 to 203 mm)
    线性度:0.5000 ±% Full Scale
    工作温度:-60 to 250 F (-51.11 to 121 C)
    LVDT 类型:Current Balance AC-AC
    产品类别:Linear Variable Differential Transformers (LVDT)
    测量范围:0.5000 to 8 inch (12.7 to 203 mm)
    线性度:0.5000 ±% Full Scale
    工作温度:-60 to 250 F (-51.11 to 121 C)
    LVDT 类型:Current Balance AC-AC
    产品类别:Linear Variable Differential Transformers (LVDT)
  • Stellar Technology, Inc. Series LLU62X 线性可变差动变压器(LVDT)

    测量范围:0.5000 to 8 inch (12.7 to 203 mm)
    线性度:0.5000 ±% Full Scale
    工作温度:-60 to 160 F (-51.11 to 71.11 C)
    LVDT 类型:Current Balance DC-DC
    产品类别:Linear Variable Differential Transformers (LVDT)
    测量范围:0.5000 to 8 inch (12.7 to 203 mm)
    线性度:0.5000 ±% Full Scale
    工作温度:-60 to 160 F (-51.11 to 71.11 C)
    LVDT 类型:Current Balance DC-DC
    产品类别:Linear Variable Differential Transformers (LVDT)
  • Stellar Technology (STI) Series LMU60X 线性可变差动变压器(LVDT)

    线性度:0.5000 ±% Full Scale
    工作温度:-4 to 257 F (-20 to 125 C)
    LVDT 类型:Current Balance AC-AC
    测量范围:0.0250 to 0.5000 inch (0.6350 to 12.7 mm)
    产品类别:Linear Variable Differential Transformers (LVDT)
    线性度:0.5000 ±% Full Scale
    工作温度:-4 to 257 F (-20 to 125 C)
    LVDT 类型:Current Balance AC-AC
    测量范围:0.0250 to 0.5000 inch (0.6350 to 12.7 mm)
    产品类别:Linear Variable Differential Transformers (LVDT)
  • Stellar Technology (STI) Series LSS61X 线性可变差动变压器(LVDT)

    测量范围:0.1000 to 0.4000 inch (2.54 to 10.16 mm)
    线性度:0.5000 ±% Full Scale
    工作温度:-58 to 176 F (-50 to 80 C)
    LVDT 类型:Current Balance DC-DC
    产品类别:Linear Variable Differential Transformers (LVDT)
    测量范围:0.1000 to 0.4000 inch (2.54 to 10.16 mm)
    线性度:0.5000 ±% Full Scale
    工作温度:-58 to 176 F (-50 to 80 C)
    LVDT 类型:Current Balance DC-DC
    产品类别:Linear Variable Differential Transformers (LVDT)
  • Stellar Technology (STI) Series LSU61X 线性可变差动变压器(LVDT)

    测量范围:0.1000 to 0.4000 inch (2.54 to 10.16 mm)
    线性度:0.5000 ±% Full Scale
    工作温度:-58 to 176 F (-50 to 80 C)
    LVDT 类型:Current Balance DC-DC
    产品类别:Linear Variable Differential Transformers (LVDT)
    测量范围:0.1000 to 0.4000 inch (2.54 to 10.16 mm)
    线性度:0.5000 ±% Full Scale
    工作温度:-58 to 176 F (-50 to 80 C)
    LVDT 类型:Current Balance DC-DC
    产品类别:Linear Variable Differential Transformers (LVDT)
  • Stellar Technology, Inc. Series LYC61X 线性可变差动变压器(LVDT)

    LVDT 类型:Current Balance DC-DC
    测量范围:0.5000 to 18.5 inch (12.7 to 470 mm)
    线性度:0.5000 ±% Full Scale
    工作温度:-58 to 176 F (-50 to 80 C)
    产品类别:Linear Variable Differential Transformers (LVDT)
    LVDT 类型:Current Balance DC-DC
    测量范围:0.5000 to 18.5 inch (12.7 to 470 mm)
    线性度:0.5000 ±% Full Scale
    工作温度:-58 to 176 F (-50 to 80 C)
    产品类别:Linear Variable Differential Transformers (LVDT)
  • Stellar Technology, Inc. Series LYS65X 线性可变差动变压器(LVDT)

    测量范围:0.5000 to 3 inch (12.7 to 76.2 mm)
    线性度:0.5000 ±% Full Scale
    工作温度:14 to 158 F (-10 to 70 C)
    LVDT 类型:Current Balance DC-DC
    产品类别:Linear Variable Differential Transformers (LVDT)
    测量范围:0.5000 to 3 inch (12.7 to 76.2 mm)
    线性度:0.5000 ±% Full Scale
    工作温度:14 to 158 F (-10 to 70 C)
    LVDT 类型:Current Balance DC-DC
    产品类别:Linear Variable Differential Transformers (LVDT)
  • Stellar Technology, Inc. Series LYU60X 线性可变差动变压器(LVDT)

    工作温度:-40 to 250 F (-40 to 121 C)
    LVDT 类型:Current Balance AC-AC
    测量范围:0.5000 to 8 inch (12.7 to 203 mm)
    线性度:0.5000 ±% Full Scale
    产品类别:Linear Variable Differential Transformers (LVDT)
    工作温度:-40 to 250 F (-40 to 121 C)
    LVDT 类型:Current Balance AC-AC
    测量范围:0.5000 to 8 inch (12.7 to 203 mm)
    线性度:0.5000 ±% Full Scale
    产品类别:Linear Variable Differential Transformers (LVDT)
  • Stellar Technology, Inc. Series LYU61X 线性可变差动变压器(LVDT)

    测量范围:0.1000 to 8 inch (2.54 to 203 mm)
    线性度:0.5000 ±% Full Scale
    工作温度:-58 to 176 F (-50 to 80 C)
    LVDT 类型:Current Balance DC-DC
    产品类别:Linear Variable Differential Transformers (LVDT)
    测量范围:0.1000 to 8 inch (2.54 to 203 mm)
    线性度:0.5000 ±% Full Scale
    工作温度:-58 to 176 F (-50 to 80 C)
    LVDT 类型:Current Balance DC-DC
    产品类别:Linear Variable Differential Transformers (LVDT)
  • 顺源科技 ISOH U(A)-P-O系列 信号隔离器

  • 北京通为传感 OSC1100 光纤传感器

  • 北京通为传感 OSC1150 光纤传感器

  • 北京通为传感 OSC1155 光纤传感器

  • 慧石测控 CA2007 加速度传感器

    产品特点、典型应用: 无需外部供电,高可靠性,耐受恶劣环境,能够承受极高和极低温度的冲击和辐射,保障高可靠性和测量精度。可用于航空发动机试车台,航发飞行试验,航发健康管理系统、航发维修检验,以及核电反应堆松动部件振动监控、火箭发动机试车、低温超导测试等应用场合。
  • 普晟 FC8001燃料电池型氢气检测模组 气体传感器/检测模组

    FC8001 燃料电池型氢气检测模组集众多专利和非专利核心技术为一体,结合特制气室,专门为光声光谱等光学仪器配套检测氢气而设计,可广泛应用于电力、石化、冶金、核电等需要实时、连续监测目标环境中的氢气浓度的场所。
  • 深圳市万厚实业有限公司 GEMS 3160 滑油品质传感器

    福迪威传感集团旗下拥有众多传感器品牌,为液冷服务器行业提供多种传感器解决方案,帮助液冷系统制造商优化冷却性能、降低能耗、延长设备寿命和减少维护成本。 解决方案涵盖 压力、温度,流量,液位,电磁阀,泄露检测,冷却液质量分析、环境温湿度检测。