精准 模糊
  • Tripp Lite N206-PC23-IND 线缆组件

    产品类别 :Cable Assembly
    北美(线规):26 AWG
    产品类别 :Cable Assembly
    北美(线规):26 AWG
  • TelephoneStuff.com 72835 耳机

    特征 :Bluetooth
    产品类别 :Headsets
    特征 :Bluetooth
    产品类别 :Headsets
  • RS Components 欧时 NCP15WF104J03RC 热敏电阻

    长度:0.0197 inch (0.5000 mm)
    封装 / 电极形式:Chip/Surface
    电阻:100000 ohms
    宽度/直径:0.0394 inch (1 mm)
    制造商:Murata Power Solutions
    长度:0.0197 inch (0.5000 mm)
    封装 / 电极形式:Chip/Surface
    电阻:100000 ohms
    宽度/直径:0.0394 inch (1 mm)
    制造商:Murata Power Solutions
  • RS Components 欧时 NCP15XM472J03RC 热敏电阻

    长度:0.0197 inch (0.5000 mm)
    封装 / 电极形式:Chip/Surface
    电阻:4700 ohms
    宽度/直径:0.0394 inch (1 mm)
    制造商:Murata Power Solutions
    长度:0.0197 inch (0.5000 mm)
    封装 / 电极形式:Chip/Surface
    电阻:4700 ohms
    宽度/直径:0.0394 inch (1 mm)
    制造商:Murata Power Solutions
  • RS Components 欧时 NCP21XV103J03RA 热敏电阻

    长度:0.0492 inch (1.25 mm)
    封装 / 电极形式:Chip/Surface
    电阻:10000 ohms
    宽度/直径:0.0787 inch (2 mm)
    制造商:Murata Power Solutions
    长度:0.0492 inch (1.25 mm)
    封装 / 电极形式:Chip/Surface
    电阻:10000 ohms
    宽度/直径:0.0787 inch (2 mm)
    制造商:Murata Power Solutions
  • RS Components 欧时 NCP21XV103J03RA 温度传感器

    传感器类型:Thermistor Element
    产品类别:Temperature Sensors
    制造商:Murata Power Solutions
    传感器类型:Thermistor Element
    产品类别:Temperature Sensors
    制造商:Murata Power Solutions
  • Comus International OPT-PS 料位开关

    开关常态:Normally Open (NO) (optional feature); Normally Closed (NC) (optional feature)
    最大额定电流:0.1000 amps
    最大直流电压额定值:28 volts
    最大工作压力:142 psi (100 m H2O)
    安装:Side mount
    开关类型:Solid-state switch
    工作温度:14 to 176 F (-10 to 80 C)
    产品类别:Level Switches
    开关常态:Normally Open (NO) (optional feature); Normally Closed (NC) (optional feature)
    最大额定电流:0.1000 amps
    最大直流电压额定值:28 volts
    最大工作压力:142 psi (100 m H2O)
    安装:Side mount
    开关类型:Solid-state switch
    工作温度:14 to 176 F (-10 to 80 C)
    产品类别:Level Switches
  • Comus International PIN-F50-012 磁性接近传感器

    电气输出类型:Switched / Alarm
    开关形式:Normally Closed
    工作距离:0.8858 inch (22.5 mm)
    工作温度:-4 to 158 F (-20 to 70 C)
    电源要求:DC Powered
    输出负载:DC Load; 3-Wire NPN; 4-Wire NPN
    产品类别:Magnetic Proximity Sensors
    直径:1.89 inch (48 mm)
    宽度:1 inch (25.5 mm)
    电气连接:Fixed Connection
    电气输出类型:Switched / Alarm
    开关形式:Normally Closed
    工作距离:0.8858 inch (22.5 mm)
    工作温度:-4 to 158 F (-20 to 70 C)
    电源要求:DC Powered
    输出负载:DC Load; 3-Wire NPN; 4-Wire NPN
    产品类别:Magnetic Proximity Sensors
    直径:1.89 inch (48 mm)
    宽度:1 inch (25.5 mm)
    电气连接:Fixed Connection
  • Comus International PIN-F54-022 磁性接近传感器

    工作距离:0.8858 inch (22.5 mm)
    电源要求:DC Powered
    电气输出类型:Switched / Alarm
    开关形式:Normally Open; Normally Closed
    工作温度:-4 to 158 F (-20 to 70 C)
    输出负载:DC Load; 4-Wire NPN
    直径:2.13 inch (54 mm)
    宽度:1.38 inch (35 mm)
    产品类别:Magnetic Proximity Sensors
    电气连接:Fixed Connection
    工作距离:0.8858 inch (22.5 mm)
    电源要求:DC Powered
    电气输出类型:Switched / Alarm
    开关形式:Normally Open; Normally Closed
    工作温度:-4 to 158 F (-20 to 70 C)
    输出负载:DC Load; 4-Wire NPN
    直径:2.13 inch (54 mm)
    宽度:1.38 inch (35 mm)
    产品类别:Magnetic Proximity Sensors
    电气连接:Fixed Connection
  • Comus International PIN-S20-021 磁性接近传感器

    电源要求:DC Powered
    电气输出类型:Switched / Alarm
    工作距离:0.2835 inch (7.2 mm)
    工作温度:-4 to 158 F (-20 to 70 C)
    开关形式:Normally Open; Normally Closed
    输出负载:DC Load; 4-Wire NPN
    产品类别:Magnetic Proximity Sensors
    长度:1.5 inch (38 mm)
    电气连接:Fixed Connection
    宽度:0.7874 inch (20 mm)
    电源要求:DC Powered
    电气输出类型:Switched / Alarm
    工作距离:0.2835 inch (7.2 mm)
    工作温度:-4 to 158 F (-20 to 70 C)
    开关形式:Normally Open; Normally Closed
    输出负载:DC Load; 4-Wire NPN
    产品类别:Magnetic Proximity Sensors
    长度:1.5 inch (38 mm)
    电气连接:Fixed Connection
    宽度:0.7874 inch (20 mm)
  • Comus International PIP-F42-002 磁性接近传感器

    工作距离:0.7087 inch (18 mm)
    电源要求:DC Powered
    电气输出类型:Switched / Alarm
    开关形式:Normally Open
    工作温度:-4 to 158 F (-20 to 70 C)
    输出负载:DC Load; 3-Wire PNP
    产品类别:Magnetic Proximity Sensors
    宽度:0.9843 inch (25 mm)
    电气连接:Fixed Connection
    直径:1.65 inch (42 mm)
    工作距离:0.7087 inch (18 mm)
    电源要求:DC Powered
    电气输出类型:Switched / Alarm
    开关形式:Normally Open
    工作温度:-4 to 158 F (-20 to 70 C)
    输出负载:DC Load; 3-Wire PNP
    产品类别:Magnetic Proximity Sensors
    宽度:0.9843 inch (25 mm)
    电气连接:Fixed Connection
    直径:1.65 inch (42 mm)
  • Comus International PIP-F80-002 磁性接近传感器

    工作温度:-4 to 158 F (-20 to 70 C)
    电源要求:DC Powered
    工作距离:1.42 inch (36 mm)
    电气输出类型:Switched / Alarm
    开关形式:Normally Open
    输出负载:DC Load; 3-Wire PNP
    电气连接:Fixed Connection
    长度:3.15 inch (80 mm)
    宽度:1.57 inch (40 mm)
    产品类别:Magnetic Proximity Sensors
    工作温度:-4 to 158 F (-20 to 70 C)
    电源要求:DC Powered
    工作距离:1.42 inch (36 mm)
    电气输出类型:Switched / Alarm
    开关形式:Normally Open
    输出负载:DC Load; 3-Wire PNP
    电气连接:Fixed Connection
    长度:3.15 inch (80 mm)
    宽度:1.57 inch (40 mm)
    产品类别:Magnetic Proximity Sensors
  • Comus International PIP-S18A-001 磁性接近传感器

    电源要求:DC Powered
    电气输出类型:Switched / Alarm
    工作距离:0.1772 inch (4.5 mm)
    工作温度:-4 to 158 F (-20 to 70 C)
    开关形式:Normally Open
    输出负载:DC Load; 3-Wire PNP
    产品类别:Magnetic Proximity Sensors
    长度:1.42 inch (36 mm)
    宽度:0.7087 inch (18 mm)
    电气连接:Fixed Connection
    电源要求:DC Powered
    电气输出类型:Switched / Alarm
    工作距离:0.1772 inch (4.5 mm)
    工作温度:-4 to 158 F (-20 to 70 C)
    开关形式:Normally Open
    输出负载:DC Load; 3-Wire PNP
    产品类别:Magnetic Proximity Sensors
    长度:1.42 inch (36 mm)
    宽度:0.7087 inch (18 mm)
    电气连接:Fixed Connection
  • Comus International PID-S30-001 电感式接近传感器

    工作距离:0.5315 inch (13.5 mm)
    工作温度:-4 to 158 F (-20 to 70 C)
    开关形式:Normally Open
    输出负载:DC Load; 2-Wire
    电气连接 :Fixed Connection
    电源要求:DC Powered
    电气输出类型:Switched or Alarm
    产品类别:Inductive Proximity Sensors
    宽度:1.18 inch (30 mm)
    长度:2.09 inch (53 mm)
    工作距离:0.5315 inch (13.5 mm)
    工作温度:-4 to 158 F (-20 to 70 C)
    开关形式:Normally Open
    输出负载:DC Load; 2-Wire
    电气连接 :Fixed Connection
    电源要求:DC Powered
    电气输出类型:Switched or Alarm
    产品类别:Inductive Proximity Sensors
    宽度:1.18 inch (30 mm)
    长度:2.09 inch (53 mm)
  • Comus International PIN-F100-002 电感式接近传感器

    电源要求:DC Powered
    开关形式:Normally Open
    电气连接 :Fixed Connection
    工作距离:1.77 inch (45 mm)
    工作温度:-4 to 158 F (-20 to 70 C)
    电气输出类型:Switched or Alarm
    输出负载:DC Load; 3-Wire NPN
    产品类别:Inductive Proximity Sensors
    长度:1.77 inch (45 mm)
    宽度:1.77 inch (45 mm)
    电源要求:DC Powered
    开关形式:Normally Open
    电气连接 :Fixed Connection
    工作距离:1.77 inch (45 mm)
    工作温度:-4 to 158 F (-20 to 70 C)
    电气输出类型:Switched or Alarm
    输出负载:DC Load; 3-Wire NPN
    产品类别:Inductive Proximity Sensors
    长度:1.77 inch (45 mm)
    宽度:1.77 inch (45 mm)
  • Comus International PIN-F42-002 电感式接近传感器

    工作距离:0.7087 inch (18 mm)
    输出负载:DC Load; 3-Wire NPN
    工作温度:-4 to 158 F (-20 to 70 C)
    电源要求:DC Powered
    电气输出类型:Switched or Alarm
    开关形式:Normally Open
    电气连接 :Fixed Connection
    产品类别:Inductive Proximity Sensors
    直径:1.65 inch (42 mm)
    宽度:0.9843 inch (25 mm)
    工作距离:0.7087 inch (18 mm)
    输出负载:DC Load; 3-Wire NPN
    工作温度:-4 to 158 F (-20 to 70 C)
    电源要求:DC Powered
    电气输出类型:Switched or Alarm
    开关形式:Normally Open
    电气连接 :Fixed Connection
    产品类别:Inductive Proximity Sensors
    直径:1.65 inch (42 mm)
    宽度:0.9843 inch (25 mm)
  • Comus International PIN-S18A-001 电感式接近传感器

    工作距离:0.1772 inch (4.5 mm)
    电气输出类型:Switched or Alarm
    电气连接 :Fixed Connection
    电源要求:DC Powered
    开关形式:Normally Open
    输出负载:DC Load; 3-Wire NPN
    工作温度:-4 to 158 F (-20 to 70 C)
    宽度:0.7087 inch (18 mm)
    产品类别:Inductive Proximity Sensors
    长度:1.42 inch (36 mm)
    工作距离:0.1772 inch (4.5 mm)
    电气输出类型:Switched or Alarm
    电气连接 :Fixed Connection
    电源要求:DC Powered
    开关形式:Normally Open
    输出负载:DC Load; 3-Wire NPN
    工作温度:-4 to 158 F (-20 to 70 C)
    宽度:0.7087 inch (18 mm)
    产品类别:Inductive Proximity Sensors
    长度:1.42 inch (36 mm)
  • Comus International PIN-S30-011 电感式接近传感器

    开关形式:Normally Closed
    输出负载:DC Load; 3-Wire NPN
    电气连接 :Fixed Connection
    工作温度:-4 to 158 F (-20 to 70 C)
    电气输出类型:Switched or Alarm
    工作距离:0.5315 inch (13.5 mm)
    电源要求:DC Powered
    长度:2.09 inch (53 mm)
    产品类别:Inductive Proximity Sensors
    宽度:1.18 inch (30 mm)
    开关形式:Normally Closed
    输出负载:DC Load; 3-Wire NPN
    电气连接 :Fixed Connection
    工作温度:-4 to 158 F (-20 to 70 C)
    电气输出类型:Switched or Alarm
    工作距离:0.5315 inch (13.5 mm)
    电源要求:DC Powered
    长度:2.09 inch (53 mm)
    产品类别:Inductive Proximity Sensors
    宽度:1.18 inch (30 mm)
  • Comus International PIN-S40-301 电感式接近传感器

    电源要求:DC Powered
    开关形式:Normally Open
    电气连接 :Fixed Connection
    工作距离:0.8858 inch (22.5 mm)
    工作温度:-4 to 158 F (-20 to 70 C)
    电气输出类型:Switched or Alarm
    输出负载:DC Load; 3-Wire NPN
    产品类别:Inductive Proximity Sensors
    长度:4.67 inch (119 mm)
    宽度:1.57 inch (40 mm)
    电源要求:DC Powered
    开关形式:Normally Open
    电气连接 :Fixed Connection
    工作距离:0.8858 inch (22.5 mm)
    工作温度:-4 to 158 F (-20 to 70 C)
    电气输出类型:Switched or Alarm
    输出负载:DC Load; 3-Wire NPN
    产品类别:Inductive Proximity Sensors
    长度:4.67 inch (119 mm)
    宽度:1.57 inch (40 mm)
  • Comus International PIP-S41-001 电感式接近传感器

    电源要求:DC Powered
    电气输出类型:Switched or Alarm
    开关形式:Normally Open
    电气连接 :Fixed Connection
    工作距离:0.7087 inch (18 mm)
    工作温度:-4 to 158 F (-20 to 70 C)
    输出负载:DC Load; 3-Wire PNP
    长度:1.62 inch (41.2 mm)
    宽度:2.09 inch (53 mm)
    产品类别:Inductive Proximity Sensors
    电源要求:DC Powered
    电气输出类型:Switched or Alarm
    开关形式:Normally Open
    电气连接 :Fixed Connection
    工作距离:0.7087 inch (18 mm)
    工作温度:-4 to 158 F (-20 to 70 C)
    输出负载:DC Load; 3-Wire PNP
    长度:1.62 inch (41.2 mm)
    宽度:2.09 inch (53 mm)
    产品类别:Inductive Proximity Sensors