• Visual Sound EZ-MCP1 音频麦克风

      RDL,无线电设计实验室,EZ-MCP1是一款直列式话筒压缩机,尽管话筒的音量变化很大(高达30分贝),但仍能产生一致的音频电平。它安装在动圈话筒或电容话筒和话筒电平混频器或放大器输入之间。唯一需要的设置是一个前面板级微调器,在正常语音期间进行调整,直到压缩LED开始闪烁。提供后面板输出电平微调器,但通常保持在正常默认位置。当EZ-MCP1输出连接到提供幻像电压的麦克风插孔时,幻像电压(24 V)自动打开。EZ-MCP1通过产生一致的音频电平和控制产生失真和剪辑的过载,提高了音质和清晰度。它用于教堂、餐厅、俱乐部、会议室、教育设施、会议室和商业音响系统的录音、传呼和公共广播。
    • Grommes~Precision 500 & AXIOM 500-OTL Power Amplifier 混音器和控制台

      AXIOM 500和AXIOM 500- otl为打造卓越、持久的健全系统提供了坚实的基础。这两个单元都是高保真商业音频放大器,泵500瓦的连续均方根功率。AXIOM 500包括一个隔离输出变压器,允许8欧姆,25V, 70.7V,或100V的操作。AXIOM 500 - otl(输出变压器少)降低总成本,允许直接操作70.7 v。、工程一体化的电话分页解决方案,AXIOM 500 &公理500 - otl包括平衡600欧姆\ / Tel-Page输入(防篡改音量控制)能够静音的两个辅助输入(战胜),绑在平行。它’s包装了保障,以确保长寿命,包括:短路,峰值过载,电流限制,热失控,和输出继电器(不再pop时,打开)。此外,在该行业超过半个世纪的经验,Grommes~Precision支持这些单位以其无与伦比的专业知识和保证程序:5年保修和30天退款保证。
    • TMP Pro Distribution 60443 混音器和控制台

      "ZED-10 is an amazing little desk for small band mixing. It is ultra portable for carrying to the gig, and can be used for recording live or in the studio. It comes with configurable USB audio in\/out making it easy to capture stereo recordings Guitars can be plugged in directly to the mixer using the specially designed high-impedance inputs, while the mixer has two stereo inputs for MP3\/CD players or keyboards. Equipped with professional XLR stereo outputs and a flexible monitoring section with headphone and speaker feed outputs. USB audio flexibility Getting audio to and from a computer easily is now a common requirement for live sound and music production. The way this has been implemented on ZED is super-flexible and super-easy! No longer do you need to fiddle around the back of your PC to get to the soundcard inputs, only to find that the levels are all wrong and noisy. Just plug in a USB lead to your ZED, select the USB routing on the mixer and the device on your computer and that's it! CD quality audio to and from your PC or Mac. Switches and connection through jack socket terminals provide different send\/return configurations:- Send options: 1) Main Mix Left + Right (Post master Level) 2) Aux + FX bus (Aux is a pre-fade send, FX is a post-fade send) 3) Record Bus Left + Right (Separate stereo bus to Main Mix) Return Options: 1) To Playback input (through jack socket break contacts) 2) To Stereo 2 channel (through jack socket break contacts) MusiQ ZED-10 features a responsive 3-band, swept mid frequency EQ design which utilises MusiQ - with optimised slope (or Q factor) for equalising individual instruments. Guitar DI ZED-10's pre-amps are similar in design to our MixWizard range of mixers, but with a twist! Inputs 3 & 4 have a high impedance jack input capable of taking either a normal line level or a low level input from a guitar pickup. These newly designed inputs have been crafted with the aim of replicating the sound of a classic guitar or instrument tube pre-amp in a combo or head amp. An extremely high input impedance ensures loading on pick-ups is minimal and a Class A FET (field effect transistor) circuit powered from 48V is employed to give the valve-like gain stage. There is a gain \"Boost\" switch associated with the guitar inputs which boosts gain by 26dB to cater for instruments with very low level outputs and the overdrive characteristics of the guitar inputs are very similar to a valve (tube) circuit, being asymmetric and soft. All this makes for a wonderfully natural sound to be reproduced from the instrument, full of warmth and character."
    • Wharfedale Pro 乐富豪 EZ-M 10x2 音频麦克风

      EZ-m 10x2是一款超紧凑型混音控制台,适用于广泛的应用。,单声道具有卡侬和平衡/不平衡TRS输入,具有单独增益控制和剪辑LED。单声道提供2波段均衡器、pan和旋转电平控制。,2个立体声声道可使用带有平衡控制和旋转电平控制的平衡\/不平衡TRS输入。,主部分包括带平衡TRS连接器的主输出和带⅛迷你插孔和RCA连接器的2轨输入/输出部分。耳机输出具有¼ TRS和⅛微型插孔接口,无需适配器即可与所有耳机兼容。主电平和耳机输出具有旋转电平控制,立体声4级LED仪表使您能够确保应用正确的增益结构。,功能集和紧凑的尺寸适合EZ-m 10x2,适用于固定安装、现场声音和家庭录音室应用。EZ-m系列混频器非常适合用作主混频器或副混频器。
    • RS Components 欧时 522147 混音器和控制台

      "These amplifiers feature 6 universal balanced inputs together with optional music modules. Ideal for all PA applications where flexibility, reliability and excellent audio quality are required. 6 balanced XLR inputs with sensitivity controls. 3 band equaliser on each input. Switchable VOX priority override on channels 1 & 2 (overrides defeat all music modules and channels 3, 4, 5 & 6). 4 tone chime - local and remote. 19 Inch rack mount kit supplied. Switchable Phantom Power on each input. 5 Local speaker selectors (70V\/100V output only)Rated Power Output = 120 WMicrophone Inputs = 6Phantom Power = YesFrequency Response = 80 Hz - 20 kHzOperating Voltage = 110 - 120 V ac, 220 - 240 V acPlug Type = CEE7\/16, Type GWeight = 13kgDepth = 360mmHeight = 132mmMaximum Frequency Response = 20 kHz"
    • Harman Pro North America Soundcraft EFX 混音器和控制台

      EFX8, EFX12)\ nsoundcraft EFX™系列将流行的Soundcraft EPM™混音器的所有功能与内置的24位数字Lexicon®特效处理器结合在一起,扩大了Soundcraft低成本、多用途的紧凑范围。 Soundcraft EFX混频器使用相同的AudioDNA®处理器,该处理器在许多Digitech®和Lexicon外置设备中都有使用,包括备受尊敬的Lexicon MX400处理器。有超过35年的经验,Lexicon的名字是同义的最好的混响和处理在业务,确保最好的质量效果通常不发现在这个价格水平的控制台。 效果部分非常适合混频器紧凑的框架,可在8或12个单声道输入变量,都有2个立体声通道和在每个通道上发送一个效果。有32个效果选择与节拍功能,3个效果参数控制和用户效果设置存储设施。音效通道级别剪辑LED和静音功能给予用户更多的灵活性,强调与Soundcraft EFX是非常坚定的质量建设和音频性能,与一个容易理解的控制表面符合Soundcraft专业范围。Soundcraft EFX采用了高透明的GB30 Mic amp(由Graham Blyth为公司’s 30周年庆设计,也用于较大的LX7ii和GB系列专业音箱)。Soundcraft EFX还提供的所有特性的Soundcraft EPM最明显的一个可配置的辅助发送,XLR和\ u00bc \金属杰克连接器插座、RCA唱机立体声播放输入和输出记录,3波段EQ席卷中期的单声道输入,2立体声输入3波段EQ, TRS插入插座,插入所有mono输入,采用了输出计量和耳机输出。

