"Only months after the introduction of the highly successful Soundcraft Vi6™, the Vi Series of digital live sound consoles has been extended with the new Soundcraft Vi4 model, offering all the functionality and facilities of the Soundcraft Vi6, but in a smaller, more compact footprint more suited for space-conscious applications such as Theatres, Houses of Worship and venues or clubs with space-limited mix positions. In just under 1.5m\/5 feet, the Soundcraft Vi4 offers access to 72 inputs on 24 faders, with a total of 35 output busses available for use as masters, groups, auxes or matrices. All other features of the Soundcraft Vi6, such as the highly acclaimed Vistonics™ II touch-screen user interface, Soundcraft FaderGlow™ fader function display and the unequalled audio quality are inherited by the Soundcraft Vi4.","Audio Channels","Connectivity","Offline Editor - Virtual Vi","To compliment the Soundcraft Vi4, an offline editor (Virtual Vi) is available. For more information on the Virtual Vi,"
Soundcraft Vi6™现已在世界各地的车手和表演场所建立稳固的基础上,被誉为最符合人体工程学、用户友好和声音最好的大型数字控制台之一。音频质量是保证感谢集成了一个证明DSP引擎和算法从姐妹公司STUDER,谁的数字广播控制台像Vista™和在空气中3000™高度尊重在全国,国家和独立广播工作室和OB卡车在全世界。 符合人体工程学的Vi6提供了一个美妙的诱人的用户体验,这要感谢专利的Vistonics™ II玻璃上的旋钮通道带界面。作为另一个创新、Vistonics \ u2122提供了一个令人难以置信的触觉,你看是你控制的经营理念相结合的速度访问控制模拟的桌子和可见性的力量的基于图标的图形和完全可撤销的设置,只能来自一个数字控制台。32个输入栏加上一个12个栏的主栏,大大降低了图层更改的频率,提高了操作速度,而且来自Lexicon和BSS的世界级效果和处理完成了整个画面。\ n \ n Vi6提供连接到几乎所有类型的数字音频格式,通过整合瑞士思德利公司的D21m模块化IO系统,并配有一个模块化的远程Stagebox选择光学或铜连接到主控制台。,声道、连接