• Visual Sound EZ-MCP1 音频麦克风

      RDL,无线电设计实验室,EZ-MCP1是一款直列式话筒压缩机,尽管话筒的音量变化很大(高达30分贝),但仍能产生一致的音频电平。它安装在动圈话筒或电容话筒和话筒电平混频器或放大器输入之间。唯一需要的设置是一个前面板级微调器,在正常语音期间进行调整,直到压缩LED开始闪烁。提供后面板输出电平微调器,但通常保持在正常默认位置。当EZ-MCP1输出连接到提供幻像电压的麦克风插孔时,幻像电压(24 V)自动打开。EZ-MCP1通过产生一致的音频电平和控制产生失真和剪辑的过载,提高了音质和清晰度。它用于教堂、餐厅、俱乐部、会议室、教育设施、会议室和商业音响系统的录音、传呼和公共广播。
    • Grommes~Precision 500 & AXIOM 500-OTL Power Amplifier 混音器和控制台

      AXIOM 500和AXIOM 500- otl为打造卓越、持久的健全系统提供了坚实的基础。这两个单元都是高保真商业音频放大器,泵500瓦的连续均方根功率。AXIOM 500包括一个隔离输出变压器,允许8欧姆,25V, 70.7V,或100V的操作。AXIOM 500 - otl(输出变压器少)降低总成本,允许直接操作70.7 v。、工程一体化的电话分页解决方案,AXIOM 500 &公理500 - otl包括平衡600欧姆\ / Tel-Page输入(防篡改音量控制)能够静音的两个辅助输入(战胜),绑在平行。它’s包装了保障,以确保长寿命,包括:短路,峰值过载,电流限制,热失控,和输出继电器(不再pop时,打开)。此外,在该行业超过半个世纪的经验,Grommes~Precision支持这些单位以其无与伦比的专业知识和保证程序:5年保修和30天退款保证。
    • TMP Pro Distribution 29960 混音器和控制台

    • Wharfedale Pro 乐富豪 EZ-M 10x2 音频麦克风

      EZ-m 10x2是一款超紧凑型混音控制台,适用于广泛的应用。,单声道具有卡侬和平衡/不平衡TRS输入,具有单独增益控制和剪辑LED。单声道提供2波段均衡器、pan和旋转电平控制。,2个立体声声道可使用带有平衡控制和旋转电平控制的平衡\/不平衡TRS输入。,主部分包括带平衡TRS连接器的主输出和带⅛迷你插孔和RCA连接器的2轨输入/输出部分。耳机输出具有¼ TRS和⅛微型插孔接口,无需适配器即可与所有耳机兼容。主电平和耳机输出具有旋转电平控制,立体声4级LED仪表使您能够确保应用正确的增益结构。,功能集和紧凑的尺寸适合EZ-m 10x2,适用于固定安装、现场声音和家庭录音室应用。EZ-m系列混频器非常适合用作主混频器或副混频器。
    • RS Components 欧时 4254447 混音器和控制台

      "This RS Pro powered mixer amplifier features two unbalanced microphone inputs and two auxiliary inputs for background music. The mixer amplifier is 240 V ac or 12 V dc powered, using the 12 V supply option it can be used as a portable amplifier. ,The amplifier is designed for use in small social, commercial and retail public addressing.Two separate volume controls for both microphones inputs and auxiliary,Two auxiliary and microphone inputs,Frequency equaliser,Master volume,Low impedance 4 Ω to 16 ΩRated Power Output = 15 WMicrophone Inputs = 2Frequency Response = 100 Hz - 13 kHzOperating Voltage = 240 V acWeight = 3.6kgDepth = 230mmHeight = 83mmMaximum Frequency Response = 13 kHzMinimum Operating Voltage = 240 V acWidth = 320mm"
    • Harman Pro North America Soundcraft B800 混音器和控制台

      "Finding the right desk for demanding professional broadcast applications has never been easy. The varied requirements of live TV broadcast, production and live radio work, and OB installations means that only highly customised versions of existing mixers have been suitable - especially when space is at a premium. The Soundcraft B800 changes this.","The B800 is a specialised yet highly flexible modular broadcast mixer, drawing on Soundcraft’s experience of designing and customising consoles for the broadcast audio market. Extensive configuration options available within modules mean that the features and flexibility you would previously have expected only on a customised desk are available within the B800's compact frame. In terms of audio routing, remote control and signalling facilities, the B800 sets a new standard for versatility, and compact, ergonomic efficiency.","Designed from the ground up as the key audio component in broadcast installations, the frame and electronics of the Soundcraft B800 embody the highest standards of structural and electronic integrity. Whatever the mix of high-quality studio sources and unpredictable remote signals, the B800 ensures superior audio performance. Modules are connected to internal bussing via motherboard construction, audio connections are via balanced XLRs, and all internal mix busses are balanced to achieve a high degree of isolation, noise and interference rejection, and robust signal handling.","Five frame sizes are available, accepting up to 48 inputs. The desk can be configured with 8 mono or 4 stereo groups, and there are two fully independent stereo master output modules. 6 mono and 2 stereo aux sends are provided. Extensive monitoring and cue facilities include stereo AFL\/PFL, and several sets of speaker and phones outputs. There are 4 VCA groups for additional level control. Key Features:"

