深圳市爱普泰科电子有限公司(ABTEC)  成立于2009年,是一家致力于音频、电声及语音通话质量测试系统研发的高科技企业。秉持着“客户第一,创新为本”的信念,十多年一直精耕于声学测试领域,为客户量身打造专业的一站式测试方案,解决研发及产线测试需求。2014年公司通过ISO9001国际质量体系认证,并于2017年获得“国家高新技术企业”证书,2023年获得“深圳市专精特新中小企业”称号。公司总部位于深圳市龙华区半导体产业园,厂房占地面积2500平方米,具备齐全的专业研发及品质检测设备及多功能消音室,可为客户提供专业的测试及验证服务。公司自主品牌ABTEC音频分析仪广泛用于消费音频、专业音频、车载电子、通信系统、多媒体、半导体、电子乐器、军工、医疗、产品检测等行业。公司将不断加大研发投入以满足市场新兴需求及拓展新的应用场景。荣誉客户(部分展示):EMS工厂:华为,富士康,小米,中兴通讯,群志(奇美),光宝, TCL多媒体,创维RGB、康佳智能终端:长虹、协创,ROKIT芋头、米唐、天珑,罗技,科沃斯,追觅耳机&音响:哈曼、小米、罗技、TCL通力、奋达、万魔、国光电器、东亚电子、QCY,庭丰电子联创宏声、丰达、佳禾智能、广东朝阳、瑞声电子、迪士普、巨大、物奇、锐明、顺合丰、得辉达、丰禾原,天键电声音视频多媒体: 夏普、广州视源、海信、Polycom宝利通,明日实业汽车电子:比亚迪,广汽研究院、亿伽通(吉利)、小鹏汽车、铁将军、北斗星通,航盛,北汽集团,蔚隆汽车,东峻汽车医疗音频:汉泓医疗、京柏医疗、奥极、永昇,辰浩医疗,舒听医疗音频芯片及方案商:ADI、恒玄,物奇、杰理、中科蓝讯、建荣、炬芯、科大讯飞、思必驰,慧联,至盛半导体,山景,鑫创电子乐器:得理、艾茉森钢琴、魔耳乐器安防:大华,海康威视产品检测:信宝电子,必维军工:中国电子科技集团公司第七研究所/第十研究所/第十三所教育&科研:上海交通大学,海军工程学院,上海大学,北京理工大学,海军航空大学,深圳科创学院,集美大学,成都电子科技大学实验室配备消音室高低温箱仪器品质自动测试系统车机/平板/手机/蓝牙耳机自动化演示室音频分析仪校准/维修室服务保证对出售到国内的检测系统,承诺收到故障通知后,1小时内响应,如电话等远程方式无法沟通解决,24小时内到厂服务。对出口国外的自动测试系统、仪器仪表,发生问题时严格按照合同规定处理。售后由工程师提供专业的技术培训,终身提供相关技术支持。
  • Audio Precision 2700 Series 音频放大器和前置放大器

    2700系列是专为音频工程师谁需要最高的性能,最低的失真和最大的灵活性,在他们的音频分析仪。借助可编程串行接口适配器(PSIA),它是高端转换器和其他芯片设计人员的最佳解决方案。,2722’真正的双域结构使模拟和数字信号的测量实现了完美:模拟发生器和分析仪的性能优于任何基于数字转换器的设计,而数字分析技术为这两个领域提供了一系列精确、高速的测量技术。跨域工作可以使用两个世界的最好的来完成。,2700系列的典型THD+N是♁15 dB,2.0 Vrms。然而,即使AP’保守地规定THD+N为-112 dB,2700系列仍然是业界无可争议的性能领导者。
  • Audio Precision APx511 Family 音频放大器和前置放大器

    The audio analyzer designed specifically for the needs of hearing instrument manufacturers.","The APx511 Hearing Instrument Audio Analyzer is designed to meet the needs of hearing instrument manufacturers, providing the specific measurements and I\/O required for hearing instrument production test, delivered with Audio Precision’s reputation for high performance and reliability.","All APx models use the same software, so with the R&D department using an APx525 or APx585 and APx511 deployed on production lines, product design is faster, interaction between Engineering and Production is easy and the AP report generated by Quality Control is trusted around the world. IEC60118-7 \/ ANSI S3.22 function library","APx511 supports a .NET library of functions that automate the tests described in IEC60118- 7 and ANSI S3.22. For the production environment, these functions can be called from any .NET capable language or LabVIEW to control the APx511’s output and measurement settings.","For troubleshooting or test setup, the APx511 can be controlled by the standard APx500 software providing a rich graphical user interface and access to automated reporting, real-time signal monitors, high resolution FFTs and controls for limits & other settings.","In addition to standard audio tests such as level, distortion, frequency response, and attack & release, APx511 can measure battery current using its built-in battery simulator circuit.","Built-in support for test chamber speaker, telecoil & microphone","The APx511 generator includes an in-line 2 watt loudspeaker amplifier (8 ohms) and a telecoil amplifier, allowing >110 dB SPL and up to 400 mA\/m field strength from 100 Hz to 10 kHz in a test chamber such as the Interacoustics TBS25. On the input side, APx511 supplies 24 V DC of constant current through a single BNC for a pre-polarized measurement microphone.
  • Audio Precision APx515 Family 音频放大器和前置放大器

    APx515是为生产测试优化的高性能音频分析仪。APx515具有典型的THD+N为–106 dB、具有24位分辨率的100万点FFT和192K数字I/O。它以其速度、性能、自动化和易用性是一流的仪器。APx515是一款重要的产品,因为它以生产级的价格提供音频精度的性能和可靠性。,APx是世界上速度最快的音频分析仪,在1.2秒内返回21个音频测量值。它也是最容易使用的,具有一键式测量、自定义报告和复杂的自动化,无需任何编程。还提供了完整的API和LabVIEW驱动程序。,这种速度和易用性意味着测试永远不会成为瓶颈,生产线经理可以获得可靠、一致的结果,与当前的低成本替代品(如失真分析仪)相比。,对于外包生产的公司,要求APx515进入生产线,可以更严格地控制生产,确保制造商满足合同要求。
  • Audio Precision APx525 Family 音频放大器和前置放大器

    The APx525 is a two channel audio analyzer for R&D engineers and production technicians who want fast and easy audio test, but who may not need the ultra-high performance of AP’s 2700 Series nor require the multichannel capability of the APx585.","APx525 has two balanced and two unbalanced analog inputs and outputs plus 192K digital inputs and outputs via AES\/EBU, TOSLINK and SPDIF. APx526 is the four channel version of the APx525, developed for the 4 channel head units typical of the automotive audio industry.","Additionally, I\/O may be expanded with optional Digital Serial (APx525 and APx526), HDMI with ARC (APx525), and Bluetooth (APx525) modules.","Developed for power amp designers, the AG52 analog generator option generates exceptionally clean square waves with a rise time better than 2 microseconds and has an improved THD+N of -110 dB (typical). The AG52 generates DIM 100, 30, and B square + sine waveforms and maximum output level is increased from 21.21Vrms to 26.66 Vrms (balanced).","The BW52 ultra-high bandwidth option offers unprecedented FFT performance: One million points, DC to 1 MHz bandwidth and full 24-bit resolution. Ideal for Class D amplifier design and unmatched by any other test instrument.
  • Audio Precision APx585 Family 音频放大器和前置放大器


