JBL Professional","Flat-Front Bi-Radial® horns are designed for flush cabinet mounting or compact cluster applications. With various coverage angles available, these horns provide uniform on and off axis frequency response from 400-500 Hz to beyond 16 kHz. The horns' small vertical mouth dimension (just slightly larger than the compression driver used to drive each horn) allows very compact single and multiple horn\/driver systems to be put together. In addition, the exceptionally consistent horizontal dispersion eliminates the midrange narrowing and high frequency beaming problems typically associated with conventional horn designs. The need for horn overlapping is minimized and lobing and comb filter effects are virtually eliminated. Computer-aided design techniques were used to derive the horn contours in the horizontal and vertical planes. Utilizing sidewall contours based on a polynomial power series formula, the horn design yields smooth response, low distortion, and even coverage. This design avoids the performance disadvantages of horns that feature sharp flare transitions and flat sidewalls. The BiRadial® compound flare configuration provides constant coverage over defined, solid angles. To ensure light weight, superior strength, and freedom from resonances, the horn bell is constructed of molded structural foam.
RDL,无线电设计实验室,RU-SP1是选择音频信号需要被监测使用放大信号高达2 W RMS。在许多应用中,当音频信号需要被放大到2 W RMS的情况下,RU-SP1是理想的选择。该RU-SP1提供清脆,高度可理解的监测声音和音乐源,滚动低于扬声器的工作范围的低频。异常紧凑的尺寸允许在许多RDL机架系列安装附件中安装RU-SP1,如RU-RA3机架适配器,RU-RA3A机架适配器,RC-1U通用机架底盘,RU-BR1在柜台安装支架下,UC-1或UC-2外壳或WDG1表顶楔壳。\ n扬声器永久性地安装在模制外壳中,因此在扬声器后面不需要额外的隔音罩。一个外部功率放大器通过模块后部的全尺寸阻挡块连接到扬声器。RU-SP1输入阻抗为8欧姆。The RU-SP1可用于立体声监控应用通过在RDL机架系列机箱或机架适配器的每一侧安装一个扬声器模块,从而为另一个机架系列模块腾出机箱的中心舱。WDG1桌面外壳安装的RU-SP1在一个方便的桌面监听角度,并用于会议和其他桌面监控安装。(注:WDG1还提供安装两个电子模块,如一个门控语音前置放大器或各种功率放大器模块)\ nu - sp1小巧的尺寸和高效率使其成为机架或桌面安装的音频监控的理想选择。将其与其他RDL产品结合,成为一个完整的音频\/视频系统的一部分。